
Authorised Workers Only

Important: Due to the current Government restrictions we can only legally provide face to face training in First Aid for people who are listed on the authorised workers list. If this is you then please continue with your booking.
You will be asked to provide evidence of your Authorised Worker Permit. By clicking the 'confirm' button you are making a declaration that you are an authorised worker.


Register to confirm this booking

Existing students click here to log in.
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Phone Number:
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By registering you accept the Terms and Conditions & Student Handbook. If you have any special needs or require assistance please contact us.

Eclipse Education

A Registered Training Organisation RTO #32252

Confirm Your Booking HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid

Check your selection below and then click the 'click here to make your booking' button to start the registration process.

Your course booking:

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