Eclipse Education

A Registered Training Organisation RTO #32252

Policies & Procedures

Terms & Conditions

Our Commitment

Eclipse Vale Pty Ltd (Eclipse Education) is committed to high standards in the delivery of Education and Training and other Trainee services.

Legislative Requirements

Eclipse Education will comply with all legislative requirements of State and Federal Government, in particular Work Place Health and Safety, Workplace Relations, Anti Discrimination and Equal Opportunity.

Quality Management Focus

Eclipse Education has a commitment to providing a quality service and a focus on continuous improvement. We value feedback from tutors, industry representatives and our studnets.

Training and Assessment Standards

Eclipse Education has personnel with appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver the training and facilitate the assessment relevant to the training products offered. Assessment will meet the National Assessment Principles including Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Adequate training materials will be utilised to ensure the learning outcomes of the training product can be achieved. Appeals procedures are in place for Trainees who are not satisfied with the assessment or training.

State Requirements

Certain units available for study on this website have different requirements across the different states and territories of Australia. The different state and territory requirements are listed for each unit of study throughout this website in several accessible areas. It is a requirement that all students read these state requirements before starting a unit of study to ensure that they are fully aware of their state or territories’ requirements.

Refunds are not valid once a student agrees to and understands their state and territory requirements. Please see the relevant state requirements section for each unit of study for more information.

Please note: Students residing in the state of New South Wales and completing the unit "SITXFSA006 - Participate in safe food handling procedures" will have their Name and Student ID passed on to the NSW food Authority. This is done for the sole reason of being able to provide you with the NSW Food Authority Food Safety Supervisors Certificate.

Proof of Identity

All students will need to enrol with Eclipse Education and the student will need to acknowledge that they are the person who has enrolled. Each student will need to enrol with their own unique e-mail address and provide photo id to confirm their identity. No two students can enrol with the same email address and each unique student will be emailed (to their unique email address) a unique Student ID Number. This unique number is not to be used by any other person other than the student it is given to. The student acknowledges that they are the person attending the online unit and completing the assessments. The student who completes the assessment will be presented with a Statement of Attainment for the unit they attended. Failure to abide by this ruling will be considered fraud and the student will not be presented with their Statement of Attainment.

Course/Training Product Information

Eclipse Education provides accurate, relevant and up-to-date course information for Trainees prior to commencement. This includes:

  • Client selection, enrolment and induction/orientation procedures;
  • Course information, including content and vocational outcomes;
  • Fees and charges, including refund policy and exemptions (where applicable);
  • Client support, including any external support the organisation has arranged for clients;
  • Flexible learning and assessment procedures;
  • Appeals, complaints and grievance procedures;
  • Disciplinary procedures;
  • Staff responsibilities for access and equity; and
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) arrangements.


This Policy and Procedures Information for Trainees does not stand alone.

Trainees should also refer to specific information provided about Courses. This may include:

  • Outlines of course content or competencies
  • Specific payment and refund policies relating to individual units
  • Assessment
  • Course outcomes - for example, with respect to possible employment outcomes
  • Above all, we hope that your training experience with us is rewarding and fulfilling - everything you were hoping for plus more.
The information provided here is meant to contribute to this outcome. We are looking forward to working together to achieve a great outcome for you and your future!


Firstly, you need to be aware that we do have policies about most things. These policies give us guidelines for our operation and help ensure that we maintain satisfactory standards in every area.

If you don't know what the policy regarding an issue is, you can just ask. Some of the policies we have are not of interest to most trainees eg because they relate to internal or staff issues. So we try to provide trainees with what is most relevant to them.


As with most organisations, different staff have different responsibilities. You will find that there is someone to help you with any particular difficulty you may have. For example, if you are paying fees for your training, you should know which person is responsible for receiving the fees, issuing refunds etc. Our staff are there to do their best to work with you to make your training experience exceptional. If you think you can help us do our job better please let us know how. A bit of feedback is always welcome.


If you do have a complaint about something (including an assessment issue), this is what our policy says:

  • Trainees can discuss any issues about any course or unit related matters with any Staff Member or Training Partner that they think will be able to assist in resolving the issue. If the issue can be resolved in initial discussions, no further recourse is required.

  • In the case of Assessment Issues, the Trainee should first approach the Trainer/Assessor conducting the Assessment.
  • The appeal period for issues related to assessment will be a maximum of one (1) month beyond the final date for submission of assessment unless another date is specified for the particular Course.

  • If the issue (assessment or other issue) cannot be resolved informally in these initial discussions, the student should be advised of the formal Complaints and Grievance Procedure process by the Staff Member who has had the initial discussions. In particular, the Trainee should be advised of the option of submitting a formal complaint via email or written letter.
  • The Trainee can submit a complaint to a Staff Member at any time regardless of any prior communication with other staff on an issue.

  • If a Trainee submits a complaint to a Staff Member, the receiving Staff Member is encouraged to try and resolve the issue with the Trainee.

  • If the situation has not been resolved by a Staff Member who has received a Complaint within fourteen (14) days, the issue can be escalated to try and resolve the situation.

  • Eclipse Education will ensure that a record of the resolution, or attempted resolution, is communicated to the trianee and any other staff members that are involved.

  • No charge or fee of any kind is applied to any complaint, grievance or assessment appeal.


Eclipse Vale Pty. Ltd. is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and as such may form partnerships with other individuals who have experience or qualifications in a particular area of training. We always have a written agreement with our Training Partners. As a Trainee, you should benefit greatly from the combined strengths of our Training experience, and the expertise and professionalism of our Training Partners. Our Training Partners may be involved in the administration, delivery, and assessment of training. We think our Training Partners are a great asset. We hope you do too. Once again, your feedback is not only welcome, but encouraged!


As an Trainer, we are required to make sure that we can follow through on the delivery of our responsibilities with respect to training.

That means that we must continually watch out for potential hindrances to this being accomplished. In fact, we regularly do Risk Assessments to check that we are aware of potential difficulties that might affect the delivery of high quality training.

By assessing and managing risk, we foster success.

We invite you to contribute to this process. If you are aware of anything that might potentially hinder the delivery of our training, please let us know.


As a valued judge of our performance in training, you will be invited to give us optional feedback. Generally, this will occur just after the training has ended and you have paid for your course.

In addition to this , we invite you to provide us with feedback anytime.

If it appears to you that your feedback is not being responded to appropriately, we invite you to approach one of our Staff or Training Partners to speak openly about the situation. Naturally, we hope that you have lots of good feedback for us. Our Staff and Trainers appreciate your encouragement too.


Eclipse Education collects information/data from our students during the registration process and during the course of progressing through units of study. All this information is used solely for the purposes of training and providing training materials as required by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). It is a requirement for an RTO to collect this information from students.

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Eclipse Education is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form and your training activity data) may be used or disclosed by Eclipse Education for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. Eclipse Education may disclose your personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:

School – if you are a secondary student undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship;

Employer – if you are enrolled in training paid by your employer;

Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies;


Organisations conducting student surveys; and


Personal information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

Issuing a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification, and populating Authenticated VET Transcripts;

facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;

understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and

administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

You may receive an NCVER student survey which may be administered by an NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor. You may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at

By accepting these terms and conditions you declare that the information you have provided is to the best of your knowledge to be true and correct.

You consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice above.


Eclipse Education has effective financial management procedures in place in line with the organisation's scope of registration and scale of operations.


Eclipse Education's accounts are audited at least annually, by a qualified accountant with membership of Certified Practicing Accountants of Australia.


Should Eclipse Education cancel any Course, participants are entitled to a full refund, or transfer of funds to another Course, or future Course. Each Course conducted by Eclipse Education will have its own specially constructed Payment and Refund Policy. Trainees should make sure that they fully understand what the Payment and Refund Policy is for any Course in which they enroll prior to enrolment.

We are sure that Trainees will find our policies fair and reasonable. We believe our fees and payment plans make our Training not only affordable, but also great value.


Eclipse Education has effective administrative and records management procedures in place in line with the organisations scope of registration and scale of operation's.


We do respect the privacy of your Personal Information. Only Staff who need to access your personal information for the purpose of administration or training are allowed to do so. In addition, we ask that all Trainees acknowledge that Government auditors may need to check our administration systems. In doing this, they may gain access to information you have provided to us. If you would like information that we have on file about you to be provided back to yourself or given to someone else, you need to request this by submitting a formal request to one of our staff members.


We will retain for 30 years a record of the Units of Competency and Qualifications that you have achieved. We may keep the assessment you have completed until the end of the appeal period for assessment. After this it will generally be returned to you. However, some assessment reports completed by assessors, and discussed with you at the time of assessment or just after, may not be returned to you unless you request that they are.


Your Enrolment Form provides us with the minimum amount of essential information to ensure that:

  • you meet entry requirements for the Course you enrol in
  • we will be able to communicate with you about all aspects of the Course as it proceeds
  • you are aware of all the information available about us and about the Course you want to enrol in
  • you are aware of the Payment and Refund information

3.4 Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

Eclipse Education may use AI technologies to support students' learning experience, such as generating feedback, evaluating assignments, or assisting with learning resources. These AI tools are designed to enhance the quality of education and provide personalized support during training. Students are encouraged to use these tools responsibly and understand that all assessments requiring human interaction will still involve qualified trainers and assessors for final evaluation.

3.4.1 Use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Student Services

To enhance your experience throughout the enrollment, registration, course progression, and overall learning journey with Eclipse Education, we may use advanced Large Language Models (LLMs). These AI-driven technologies assist in automating and streamlining various processes, such as responding to queries, providing guidance, and improving the efficiency of administrative tasks.
By using LLMs, we aim to ensure a smooth and efficient process, helping students quickly access the resources and support they need. While some of your data may be submitted to these LLMs, it is handled with strict privacy and security measures in line with our commitment to protecting your personal information.
We continuously monitor the use of AI tools to ensure they enhance, rather than replace, the personalized support provided by our qualified staff.


If you've participated in or completed accredited training at another RTO, and have a qualification or Statement of Attainment to show us, we will recognise the validity of that training. If this proves that you have achieved some of the units of competency within the Course you are going to do with us, we will give you direct credit where it applies. There will be a small administration fee to cover checking and recording the results of your previous training.



Eclipse Education is committed to meeting the needs of the individual Trainees and the community as a whole, through the integration of access and equity guidelines. Eclipse Education will ensure that equity principles for all, regardless of race, gender, age, social or educational background or any disability that may be present are implemented through fair allocation of resources (including human resources) and the right to equality of opportunity without discrimination.


It is vital that lines of communication remain open between you, the Trainee, and whoever it is that you need to contact.

Having access to the internet is one very useful means of communication. Emails can be sent and received at any time of the night and day. You'd be surprised to know the hours that some of our staff work - just check the time recorded in the properties of the emails we send and you'll see for yourself!

Apart from using the internet for emailing, our website will usually contain relevant, up-to-date information that will help you in the training process.

When calling by phone, don't be surprised if you have to leave a message on the voice mail service. Just leave a time and number for us to get back to you. It may be easier for us to call you in the evening after business hours. Just give us a couple of options an we'll do our best to fit in with you.

By keeping our students informed of their course status and course progression we believe that students will have a much better learning experience. For these purposes Eclipse Education may choose to contact you via phone, emails, and text messages. If you provide a mobile phone number when you register with us you may receive a number of training relevant text messages from us.

If you like the person-to-person approach, just phone to make a time and we'll do our best to see you when we can.

Whatever happens, we'll try our best to communicate with you via the surest and most appropriate means of communication that suits you.


If you are viewing this page then you are off to a good start. All our courses are done online so there is a requirement for your computer to be connected to the internet. Our website has been designed to work in all current internet browsers so it will look the same no matter what Internet browser you are using or what type of computer (PC, Mac and Linux) you are using. Even smart phones such as iPhones, Blackberries and Android phones can access and use our website.

You only need basic computer skills to use our website and learning is made easy and natural - much the same way as you would learn from reading a book or watching a movie. You will need literacy and numeracy skills and a good understanding of the English language. All our courses are conducted in English and being able to read and write in English is a requirement.


Staff, Trainer's & Assessor's Qualifications & Experience

All Trainers responsible for the delivery of training and assessment of your performance are qualified and experienced. They hold the required training qualifications, in the area in which they are training and assessing.

Sometimes, less qualified but experienced personnel who have much to offer in a particular field of expertise, may be partnered with our qualified and experienced Trainers. In this case, the qualified and experienced Trainer is ultimately responsible for the official delivery and assessment provided.

We believe that great people are the key to great training. We are sure that your trainers will do a great job for you.



All programs delivered by Eclipse Education are assessed under the "Principles of Competency Based Training".

The aim of Competency Based Training is to assess the trainee's ability to do the activities in each unit therefore assessment is based on your demonstration of practical skills. Your Assessor will assess your competence (ability) in each unit.

A Unit of Competence (Competency) includes the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are required to complete a task in a work environment. When you are being assessed on these tasks you will be required to demonstrate a satisfactory level of understanding and competency.

All assessment results are recorded. Trainees will be notified of results in each assessment and have access to their assessment records through Eclipse Education.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the formal acknowledgment of skills, knowledge and attitudes (elements of competencies) obtained through formal and informal training, study, work and life experience.

RPL can be given where formal study in a previously completed course has lead to a person demonstrating the same competencies as will be developed by doing another Course.

RPL can also be given where a person has evidence that competencies have been developed in situations outside the classroom eg at work, or by observation, reading or working as a volunteer in sporting, church or community based organisations.


Every Course we run has been planned to maximize the learning opportunities for the Trainees enrolled. That's why it's important for you to know the following information about a Course you might enrol in:

  • Approximate duration of the Course
  • Times and Frequency of In-Class Training Sessions
  • Approximate amount of "out of class" independent study you will need to do
  • Theoretical and practical components of the Course


If it becomes obvious in the process of the delivery of training during a course that some changes can be made to improve the Training process, Trainees are invited to suggest alterations to the proposed program to the Trainer or any staff member.

If the Trainee feels that his/her suggestions are not being considered and that a complaint should be made, the Trainee is advised to follow the Complaints, Grievances & Assessment Appeals Policy.


Most of the training we deliver is nationally recognised. That is, it meets the requirements of government accreditation and training departments. If the training being provided meets these requirements, the advertising for the Course will state that it is "Nationally Recognised Training". A formal Course Code should be given to identify the exact Accredited Course or Unit of Competency being delivered. If you are not sure, please ask.

If you complete your training and demonstrate competence in the Course or Unit, a Qualification (for a full Course) or Statement of Attainment (for a Unit, or number of Units, as part of a full Course) will be issued within twenty one (21) days of completion.

Learners understand and agree that their certificate (statement of attainment) may be shared with an employer, job service agency, group coordinator, or a member of their school, such as their teacher, for employment or educational purposes. Such requests must be made in writing, and requesters may be required to provide additional information to verify their identity and eligibility to receive the certificate. Our organisation will make reasonable efforts to comply with such requests in a timely manner, but cannot be held responsible for delays or other issues beyond our control.